Tag: publication

“Changes” a 500 word story

A short story I wrote a couple of years ago called “Changes” was published this month in the Colorado magazine, “Prairie Times.”

I thought it would be fun to share it here as well.


Flying down the path, sneakers skimming over the pavement as my favorite running playlist blasted in my ears. I was high on adrenaline. Riding the rush of endorphins. It was always the best part of my day. I’d run that trail a thousand times. Wasn’t paying attention. Wasn’t watching where my feet landed as I took the free-feeling for granted. That’s when I tripped.

One second, I was speeding along the trail, wind rushing past me, and the next I was skidding to a halt. Slamming into the pavement, knee first. It burned immediately and I cried out, yanking my headphones from my ears and rolling to a stop on the grass on the side of the trail. The ground was wet from the recent rain. Cold seeped through the seat of my shorts. And my ankle—oh my ankle hurt bad. It must have twisted on my way down. Maybe it was sprained. Or broken.

Blood was beading up fast from the gash on my knee. I covered it with my hand, pressing, as I looked wildly around me. I was in the middle of nowhere. Hadn’t seen anyone on the way up. Was miles from my car. The sun was low in the sky and sinking fast. I’d skipped lunch and my post-run power bar was in my car along with my water bottle, which I’d left at the last minute.

No food. No water. And no one knew I was even here. I didn’t even tell my cat—though a lot of good that would have done anyway. Silly. Cats can’t call 911. Even clever ones like my Chloe. It could be hours before anyone found me. Days even.

All I could do was sit there. Think about my life. All the crappy parts of it. The way I always joked about that awkward girl at the office, what’s-her-name. The way I was rude to the girls that did my nails the other day.

But I could be a better person. Volunteer or something. Go to church.

Eat fewer doughnuts.

I could do that. I would, if I were only to be rescued. All I needed right then was a tall, dark, and handsome someone to come running up the trail. Someone to swoop me into his arms and carry me down the hill to safety. If only my hero would show up. Well, I would change my life. I would.

And then—footsteps! The thud of shoes hitting pavement. Coming my way! I fixed my pony tail and scooted, turning, to see a group of girls running up the path.

“You okay?” the tall one asked, judge-y eyes looking me up and down.

I stood. “Fine,” I answered to her back. The herd of them had already bounced past.

I looked down at my unbroken ankle that didn’t even hurt anymore. At my knee that was no longer bleeding. I plodded down the hill to my car.

Oh well, looked like a doughnuts-for-dinner kind of night.

“Changes” is one of 20 short stories in my book Twenty-Five Hundred (available here!)

Twenty-Five Hundred Release Date!

New Year, New Book

Starting off the new year with some BIG NEWS.

The wait is nearly over. My short story collection, Twenty-Five Hundred, now has a release date! This book of stories will be available on January 17th.  AND pre-orders for the kindle/e-book version are available now for 1.99!

I’ve been collecting these short stories for the last several years and I can’t even tell you how excited I am to finally be able to share them!


“A delightful mix of humorous, lighthearted, and more serious contemporary stories and those woven with fantasy and magic. Each piece is exactly 500 words.

Inside these pages . . . A woman resolves to begin a new year on the right foot, with the help of sticky notes … A poem in which a woman in red rushes through an airport to try to catch a plane . . . An excerpt from the novel “Super Me”: an unfortunate interaction with a crush at a coffee shop . . . Two workers of magic meet to perform a secret ritual . . . At a desert marketplace, a child is yanked aside by a mysterious man with an important message . . . While running solo on a trail in the mountains, a woman injures her ankle and thus reflects upon her life’s choices . . . While being held captive by frog-like creatures, a girl makes a high-staked impossible decision . . . A sneak peek at the novel “Run”: a teenage girl is trapped inside a neighbor’s house while zombies take over the world around her . . . and much more.”

Happy New Year! It’s going to be a great year.


“High Tea” accepted for Colorado Magazine, “Prairie Times”

For the last several years, I’ve been a member of a writing group that meets once a month, The Longmont Writers Club. I’m currently the secretary, which is a position I’ve been enjoying.  (I’ve also been the vice president, but I like the secretary position more. Reminiscent to my days as an admin, I guess.)

Anyway, the club has been in existence since the early 1930’s. The premise of the club is that the members are given a topic to write on ahead of time. On the day of the meeting, we bring our pieces to read to the club for feedback. The rule is that the writing pieces cannot exceed 500 words.

As you may know, I LOVE the exercise of writing from prompts. When I heard about the club, I knew it was going to be a good fit for me. I have taken the 500 word limit as a personal challenge, and always bring a piece that is exactly 500 words. I love this because it forces you to really hone in on which words are going to tell the story best.

When I set out to write a 500 word piece, I start with an overabundance of words. Then I trim  until I have a more reasonable amount. And then I pick and choose. Replace and rephrase. Until I have exactly 500 words in the end. To me, this feels like really digging into the writing piece. Like I’m sifting and molding as I sort through the words. And the process is highly satisfying.

“High Tea” a short story

The first piece I took to the club was titled, “High Tea”. Fun fact, I was told about the writing club over the phone and misheard the prompt topic. The prompt was actually “The Key” but I heard “The Tea” .

…eh, I guess that’s not a very interesting fact.

Anyway, “High Tea” is a sweet little piece about seeing yourself through the eyes of your child and, ultimately, self acceptance.

I recently sent the story to the Byers, Colorado based magazine, “Prairie Times,”  and it was immediately accepted for the August 2019 issue.  They loved it and encouraged me to submit other stories.  Exciting!

 Read the story online here: http://www.prairietimes.com/Aug2019.pdf

They also sent me a copy of the August issue.

“High Tea” is on page 9


New Publication in the Works

I’ve been working on a compilation of short stories from some of these  prompt pieces, from various writing exercises, and from my other works. The book will be entitled “2500” and will include 20 short pieces, all 500 words each.  Look for this soon! I’ve finished putting the manuscript together and will be sending it off to my editor to get all polished up and ready for publication. I’m pretty excited to share these stories. Some may be familiar, such as Faye’s unfortunate coffee shop scene from the beginning of “Super Me”, or short stories posted on this site. Others will be brand new.

Oh, and hey,

Just for fun, this post contains…

EXACTLY 500 words


© 2025 Jessica Dazzo
