
I was recently asked if I had any advice for a new mom. Well, there’s a lot of advice out there but as I find myself in the throes of the newborn phase with my third baby, here’s mine:


  1. Write it down. Everything. You think you’ll remember but you won’t because . . .


  1. It’s always changing. Keep that in mind when baby’s crying (again!) and your arms are sore from holding/rocking. You’re exhausted (and cranky!) and can’t seem to catch your breath. Remember it’s temporary. Eventually you WILL get (a little) more sleep. Then, suddenly, they’re older (and it’s a different kind of hard) because . . .


  1. It goes so fast. It’s true! But that adage “cherish every moment” is bull. Show me anyone who embraces the baby-won’t-sleep-and-is-SCREAMING-in-your-ear-moments with adoration. Nope. It’s okay. Acknowledge that it sucks sometimes and take breaks when you can. And . . .


  1. Take breaks with baby. Put on some music. Move your body. Dance with baby. (Singing is great too!) Good for you both and releases feel-good endorphins and damn do we need those right now. Plus, it’s better than crying yourself. But crying is okay too because this shit’s hard–and overwhelming! So . . .


  1. Keep it simple. Pick the few chores that matter the most. Let the rest go. Oh, and . . .


  1. Wipe warmers are pointless. Nobody’s got time for that.

Happy Mother’s Day to all you wonderful moms out there. It’s hard. Especially right now with everything that’s going on. You got this.


  1. Love this.

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© 2025 Jessica Dazzo
